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What is West Texas Intermediate WTI? Definition and Meaning

what is wti

The author and FXStreet are not registered investment advisors and nothing in this article is intended to be investment advice. Backlinks from other websites are the lifeblood of our site and a primary source of new traffic. Marko has been working on the road for over 5 years, and is currently based in Europe. Alongside writing and editing, Marko works on projects related to online technology and digital marketing. Both Brent Crude and WTI are light and sweet, making them ideal for refining into gasoline. HOUSTON — Oil prices are increasing, again, casting a shadow over the economy, driving up inflation and eroding consumer confidence.

What Is The Brent Crude Oil Spot Price?

what is wti

As of August 31, 2021, WTI was trading at around $68.50 per barrel, while Brent traded at $72.85. Brent Crude is the benchmark used for the light oil market in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, originating from oil fields in the North Sea between the Shetland Islands and Norway. West Texas Intermediate is the benchmark for the U.S. light oil market and is sourced from U.S. oil fields. WTI is the main oil benchmark for North America as it is sourced from the United States, primarily from the Permian Basin.

Importance of the Derivatives Market

Today’s Brent crude oil spot price is at $89.65 per barrel, up by 1.81% from the previous trading day. In December 2005 the global demand for crude oil was 83.3 million barrels per day according to the International Energy Agency (IEA) and this will continue to rise further. WTI is not the most commonly used benchmark globally, that honor goes to Brent, where two-thirds of oil contracts globally use Brent as a benchmark. Both, however, are considered high-quality oils and are therefore the two most important oil benchmarks in the world. As mentioned, WTI has a sulfur content between 0.24% and 0.34%, whereas Brent has a sulfur content between 0.35% to 0.40%. The lower the sulfur content of an oil, the easier it is to refine, making it more attractive.

OPEC+ Rules in an Increasingly Tight Oil Market

  1. The current price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil today is $83.93 per barrel.
  2. Besides its primary role as the most important energy source, crude oil is also an essential raw material for manufacturing plastics.
  3. Brent crude oil opened the year of 2020 amidst an uptrend that began in November 2020 from $38.84 per barrel and continued the rally to $68.72 per barrel until early March 2021.
  4. The commodity of crude oil is by far the world’s most important energy source and the price of oil therefore plays an important role in industrial and economic development.
  5. Despite all the care taken during the writing of our articles there is still a slight risk of errors made in the information given.

At local time on Sundays for your chosen exchange, you’ll almost certainly get the last Brent crude oil spot price that the market closed with. ] local trade between oilfield production and refineries around Midland, Texas, and Cushing, Oklahoma, could be said[by whom? WTI (West Texas Intermediate) and Brent are two major benchmarks for crude oil prices. WTI represents oil extracted in the United States, primarily from wells in Texas, while Brent represents oil extracted from the North Sea, primarily in the United Kingdom. WTI and Brent oil futures are financial contracts that allow participants to speculate on the future price of crude oil. On an international level there are a number of different types of crude oil, each of which have different properties and prices.

West Texas Intermediate (WTI): Definition and Use as a Benchmark

These two factors lead to a price difference between the two termed the ‘spread’ which will change depending on different supply/demand dynamics and geopolitical influences. This guide explains exactly what the oil spot price represents and what factors determine the constantly moving live price. There has been a trend, due to advancements in oil drilling and fracking, of West Texas Intermediate becoming cheaper than Brent Crude oil. This has been dubbed the American shale revolution, and the increased production led oil prices to fall from above $100 to below $50 from 2014 to 2015. In the United States, West Texas Intermediate is the preferred measure and pricing model.

Traders can buy or sell these contracts, aiming to profit from price fluctuations. The futures price reflects market expectations for the future value of oil. Oil futures are traded on commodities exchanges, such as the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). These exchanges provide a platform for participants to buy or sell oil futures contracts.

Global events, supply and demand factors, and market sentiment can cause prices to converge or diverge between the two benchmarks. Oil futures are financial contracts that allow participants to buy or sell a specific quantity of oil at a predetermined price on a future date. These contracts serve as an agreement between the buyer and the seller to facilitate the delivery of oil or the cash settlement of the contract at the expiration date.

Most of the time, the WTI is refined directly in the United States, mainly in the Midwest and near the Gulf Coast for practical reasons as the production sites are nearby. West Texas Intermediate plays an important role in managing risk in the energy sector worldwide as it has high liquidity, a large number of customers, and a lot of transparency. WTI only contains 0.24% sulfur and has an API gravity of approximately 39.6. The oil is primarily refined in the Gulf Coast and Midwest areas of the United States.

There are three major types of crude oil throughout the world that are used as oil reference prices according to their production zones. Therefore, for European oil, Brent from the North Sea acts as the reference, whereas for the OPEC countries, it is the Dubai crude which is referred to for the price determination. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) is a trading classification of crude oil and one of the most commonly used benchmarks in oil prices. Since the shale boom in the U.S., which resulted in a production increase of WTI, the price of WTI has gone down and usually trades at a discount to Brent. Brent is also tied to more worldwide oil markets and serves as an international benchmark, meaning that more factors are influencing its price. Furthermore, transporting WTI overseas to Brent crude’s market could come at a cost that would make WTI unable to compete with Brent crude in terms of pricing.

But all geopolitical current events in connection with oil production also influence the WTI prices. It is generally noted that the barrel price of crude WTI is slightly higher than that of the Brent or Dubai barrel. It is often priced one dollar more than the Brent and two dollars more than the Dubai. However, sometimes the WTI barrel is less expensive than the Brent barrel, but this difference has never historically exceeded 27 dollars. As for the WTI crude oil, it is quoted in almost all economic announcements from this sector in the United States and North America. Brent crude oil opened the year of 2020 amidst an uptrend that began in November 2020 from $38.84 per barrel and continued the rally to $68.72 per barrel until early March 2021.

When refiners purchase a Brent contract, they have a strong idea of how good the oil will be and where it will come from. Today, much of the global trading takes place on the futures market, with each contract tied to a certain category of oil. Crude oil flows “inbound to Cushing from all directions and outbound through dozens of pipelines”.[16] It is in Payne County, Oklahoma, United States. Oil prices are typically quoted per barrel — this is the same for the Brent crude oil spot price. Today’s WTI crude oil spot price of $84.86 per barrel is up 2.62% compared to one week ago at $82.69 per barrel.

Yellen stated in an interview with Reuters on Thursday that US GDP growth for the first quarter could potentially be revised higher as more data becomes available. Additionally, Yellen mentioned that inflation is expected to return to more normal levels after certain “peculiar” factors disrupt the economy. The price of WTI tends to move in line with the price of Brent crude, although different global events will cause the value of each commodity to differ.

what is wti

WTI and Brent oil futures are primarily traded on major futures exchanges, such as the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) for WTI and the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) for Brent. These exchanges offer electronic trading platforms where traders can execute transactions and manage their positions. Exactly one month ago, Brent crude oil’s spot price was at $86.15 per barrel.

Both benchmark oils are considered sweet, but WTI is sweeter making it a bit easier to refine. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil is a specific grade of crude oil and one of the main three benchmarks in oil pricing, along with Brent and Dubai Crude. WTI is known as a light sweet oil because it contains less than 0.50% sulfur (normally about 0.24% to 0.34%), making it “sweet,” and has a low density making it “light.”

It requires a deep understanding of the oil market, risk management techniques, and the ability to monitor positions actively. Individual investors should carefully assess their risk tolerance and consider seeking professional advice before engaging in oil futures trading. In Brent crude oil’s instance, these reserves are under the seafloor, while WTI crude oil is extracted from reserves located under dry land.

The most available oil on the markets is called WTI which stands for ‘West Texas Intermediate’. In order to best anticipate the movements and evolution of its prices through CFDs, it is therefore necessary to know their specificities and main characteristics. questrade forex WTI is the underlying commodity of the New York Mercantile Exchange’s (NYMEX) oil futures contract and is considered a high-quality oil that is easily refined. While Brent and WTI have distinct characteristics, their prices are interconnected.

WTI is the underlying commodity of Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s oil futures contracts (legally binding agreements to buy/sell a commodity at a specific month at a pre-determined price). The significance of a benchmark in the oil market is that benchmarks serve as a reference price for buyers and sellers of crude oil. Though Brent crude and WTI crude are the most popular benchmarks, their prices are often contrasted. The difference in price between Brent and WTI is called the Brent-WTI spread.

That’s the first component of oil prices — the extraction process and machinery required. Read on to learn more about the live crude oil price you see historically, or on active trading days. In addition to futures, market participants can also invest in options that are linked to a particular crude benchmark.

But after the oil crisis of the late 1970s, refiners and government buyers began looking for a way to minimize the risk of sudden price increases. This Middle Eastern crude is a useful reference for oil of a slightly lower grade than WTI or Brent. A “basket” product consisting of crude from Dubai, Oman, Upper Zakum, it’s somewhat heavier and has higher sulfur content, putting it in the “sour” category.

WTI refers to oil extracted from wells in the U.S. and sent via pipeline to Cushing, Oklahoma. The fact that supplies are land-locked is one of the drawbacks to West Texas crude as it’s relatively expensive to ship to certain parts of the globe. The product itself is very light and very sweet, making it ideal for gasoline refining, in particular. WTI continues to be the main benchmark for oil consumed in the United States. Offshore oil rigs, despite being in the news more often, most famously with the BP oil leak of 2010, are heavily traded as barometers of domestic oil market health.

This grade is described as light crude oil because of its low density and sweet because of its low sulfur content. If a trader holds a contract until expiration and does not offset or roll over the position, they must provide or take delivery of the actual crude oil. The abbreviation indicates one barrel of crude oil, but you may see Gbbl (one billion barrels), as well as Mbbl (one million barrels) or Kbbl for one thousand barrels. For example, you can see that Brent crude oil spot prices are quoted by the barrel (bbl), as are West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil prices on global futures exchanges like NYMEX. The pricing of WTI and Brent oil futures is based on the underlying spot prices of the respective crude oils.

WTI crude had a series of rallies and tumbles to reach a year-high price of $84.06 per barrel in late October 2021. Brent is the reference for about 80% of the oil traded around the world, with WTI the dominant benchmark in the U.S. and Dubai influential in the Asian market. Open a newspaper and there’s a good chance you’ll find a news story about the price of oil going in one direction or the other. To the average consumer, it’s easy to get the impression that there’s a singular, worldwide market for this crucial energy source. Oil benchmarks describe where the commodity originates, which determines its use and allows investors to track the price of a specific oil type.

WTI is one of the most referenced benchmarks used in oil news reports on oil prices, along with the Brent price – which comes from the North Sea. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude Oil price trades near $83.40 per barrel, showing a slight decrease of 0.10% during the European hours on Friday. The US Gross Domestic Product Annualized (Q1) expanded at a slower pace of 1.6% compared to the previous reading of 3.4%, falling short of market expectations of 2.5%. This slowdown suggests potential headwinds or slowdowns in various sectors of the US economy, which could lead to reduced demand for Oil as economic activity moderates. The real-time price of Brent crude oil is at $89.65 per barrel, and the price of WTI crude oil is at $84.86 per barrel.

These allow oil traders to know what type of oil is traded (and will eventually be delivered) immediately. WTI stands for West Texas Intermediate (occasionally called Texas Light Sweet), an oil benchmark that is central to commodities trading. It is one of the three major oil benchmarks used in trading, the others being Brent crude and Dubai/Oman. An easy way to get breaking news about the crude oil market is to create a Google Alert which will email you top news stories about oil as they occur.

It then travels through pipelines where it is refined in the Midwest and the Gulf of Mexico. The main delivery point for physical exchange and price settlement for WTI is Cushing, Oklahoma. Interactive chart showing the daily closing price for West Texas Intermediate (NYMEX) Crude Oil over the last 10 years. The current price of WTI crude oil as of April 26, 2024 is $84.04 per barrel. Because the standard and eventual uses of oil being drilled depends heavily on the field it comes from, oil is traded in benchmarks.

Yes, WTI and Brent oil futures are commonly used for hedging purposes by participants in the oil industry. Oil producers, refiners, and other market participants often utilize futures contracts to manage their exposure to price volatility. By taking positions in oil futures, they can offset potential losses from adverse price movements in the physical market, providing a form of insurance against price risks. Technological developments and changes in resource distributions along the oil supply chain will also impact crude oil spot prices. The increased focus on renewable energy is already accelerating such changes.

Live interactive chart of West Texas Intermediate (WTI or NYMEX) crude oil prices per barrel. The current price of WTI crude oil as of April 26, 2024 is 83.75 per barrel. Other significant recent historical highs include $77.74 per barrel in Jul, 2006 and $109.50 per barrel in Aug, 2013.

Light Sweet Crude Oil futures and options, in particular West Texas Intermediate futures, are the most actively traded energy product in the world. At the end of 2010 the price difference between the two benchmarks widened, and then narrowed at the end of 2013. In contrast, US consumer prices have shown resilience, with the Personal Consumption Expenditures (QoQ) Price Index for Q1 increasing at a 3.7% annual rate. This exceeded both market expectations of 3.4% and the previous reading of 2.0%. The materials provided on this Web site are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice. is neither a brokerage company nor an investment consulting firm and is not intended to recommend any particular service.

If you check live prices on Saturdays, you will always see the last recorded WTI crude price from the previous Friday. The market for crude is incredibly diverse, with the quality and original location of the oil making a major impact on price. Because they’re relatively stable, most crude oil prices worldwide are pegged to the Brent, WTI, or Dubai benchmarks.

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